Knit Show 2024


Knit Show 2024. 9 – 11 August 2024. Toplight Trade Center, Tirupur, Tamilnadu, India.

Knit Show 2024. apparel industry in Tirupur. top textile companies in Tirupur. top garmenting technologies. textile machinery trade show.

Knit Show is the leading exhibition in India for textile garment machinery, technology, accessories, and related services. It started in 2000 and has since become India’s premier annual trade show. In addition to organizing the event, City Leaves also publishes a comprehensive garment directory with valuable industry information dating back to 1993. Held in Tirupur, the hub of India’s knitwear industry, the fair is poised to see an increase in both the quality and quantity of participants and visitors from across India’s textile sector.

KNITSHOW 2024 will set the stage for the world’s top manufacturers of textile and garment technologies to unveil exciting innovations to a global audience across four key pillars.

Advanced Materials
Automation and Digital Future
Innovative Technologies
Sustainability and Circularity

Exhibitor Profile:

On display everything related to the garment industry
At the Knit Show, showcase your latest machinery, technology, innovations, services, and other offerings to the South Indian textile-garment industry, attended by key decision-makers, including manufacturers, exporters, buyers, and the entire value chain in one location. This established event has attracted industry leaders, sourcing departments, merchandisers, and solution finders for 20 years, providing a prime opportunity to boost sales, network, collaborate, analyze competitive products, and strengthen existing business relationships.

Visitor Profile:

Knit Show connects manufacturers and buyers with the latest trends in their industry. Explore a range of products, attend live demonstrations, and engage with potential customers to streamline your sourcing process and gain a competitive advantage. Utilize our comprehensive platform to stay updated with the latest innovations and technologies showcased at our large exhibition. Request ample time to explore the exhibition in detail and discover new products that may have been unseen before. In addition, take advantage of the opportunity to compare products from multiple suppliers, network with industry professionals, and learn about industry trends and developments. This is a golden chance to meet with potential clients and partners while also comparing products and prices from a variety of suppliers.

Bhargav Pathak
Bhargav Pathak
With a passion for the textile, apparel, and fashion industry, I embarked on a journey fueled by education from NIFT Gandhinagar and affiliation with NDBI at NID Ahmedabad. Since 2006, I've contributed to various corporate ventures, specializing in B2B, B2C, SaaS, and AI products within the textile domain. In July 2023, I launched, a knowledge hub offering the latest news, articles, and soon-to-come features like interviews and a trade fair calendar. Grateful for the growing community, we've recently introduced a Business Directory for enhanced visibility. Join us on LinkedIn and stay connected with the ever-evolving textile landscape!

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